Pray for Ukraine

  • Lasst uns beten für unsere Mitchristen, die die frohe Weihnachtsbotschaft weitergeben. Die politischen Umstände sind dramatisch, dennoch: Jesus bringt Veränderung.
    Lasst und beten für die christlichen Soldaten an der Front. 
    Lasst uns beten für zerrissene Familien, die um ihren Ehemann, Vater oder Sohn bangen.
  • So wird deutscher Apfelsaft auf der CBF gemacht. 
    Internationales, fröhliches beisammen sein tut gut. Freude an der Schöpfung Gottes. Momente des Segens. 
    Lasst uns weiterbeten für unsere ukrainischen Brüder und Schwestern.
  • Jetzt nehmen wir 41 Flüchtlinge in unserer Gemeinde in Poltawa und 24 Flüchtlinge in der Gemeinde in Ljuboml auf.
    Möge die Menschen auf ihrer Durchreise Jesus begegnen.

  • Seit Beginn des Krieges hatten wir die Gelegenheit, so vielen Kindern, die für einige Tage in unserer Gemeinde blieben, um weiterzuziehen, Freude zu bereiten und Geschenke zu machen. Wir hatten die Gelegenheit, mit ihnen und ihren Eltern über Gott und seine Liebe zu sprechen. Wir sind sehr froh, dass wir eine solche Gelegenheit hatten.

    In den letzten Wochen haben wir eine Gruppe von Kindern aus mehreren Familien gebildet, die bereits in unserer Gemeinde verwurzelt sind und noch in Poltawa leben, und wir haben mit ihnen einen vollwertigen Kurs von 12 Lektionen begonnen.

    Gott ist gut, und dies ist eine sehr wertvolle Ressource. Die Kinder sind glücklich, und wir sind es auch.

  • Mitarbeiter die die Gemeinde in Poltawa und Sawodskoje leiten. Wir wollen beten, dass Gott sie leitet.
  • In our congregation in Calw there are a number of Christians who have fled from Ukraine. Also pastors. Among the other refugees in the city there are also many Ukrainians who still have no support and hope in Jesus. And our brothers and sisters feel a mission here....
    It may be similar in other cities. Let us pray that many of the refugees will find peace in Jesus in Germany, along with cordiality and political peace.
  • More refugees from Kharkov arrive every day. The soup in the pot is enough for about 50 people. Let us pray that Jesus will also be the topic of conversation and that God's Spirit will shape the atmosphere of the community. 
  • Photo after the service on March 27. We thank God for the church in Poltava, which is tirelessly a hub for relief supplies and refugees. May God continue to preserve and strengthen them, in body and soul. They proclaim Jesus in the midst of chaos.

  • The refugees are well accommodated in our families and communities - and are heartily grateful for it. But almost all of them fear for family members and friends who are still in the embattled Ukraine. This tension of the heart can only be endured without harm by God's grace.The peace of God keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus", Paul wishes in Philippians 4:7. This is exactly how we want to pray earnestly.

    We pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine,

    that hatred does not gain access to their hearts, but that the peace of Jesus preserves them


    That in the midst of existential anxiety and fear of the future, they can stand out by trusting God and point to Jesus through words and deeds of love.


    That the pastors and staff be made wise by God to lead the congregations wisely and to strengthen them through the appropriate biblical texts

  • Russia

    Our brothers and sisters are seeing store shelves become emptier and international relations more complicated. Our pastors and church leaders need wisdom and spiritual direction on what to preach about on Sundays and how they can and may name political events. We pray for our churches in Russia.

  • We pray that no hatred enters our hearts, that we distinguish between political system and people. Between Russia and the Russians.
    Hebrews 12:15 "and see to it ... that no bitter root grows up and causes discord, and that many become unclean through it."
  • We pray for the aid transport worker who was shot and is now in the hospital.
  • Brothers and sisters from our church were able to get 29 people out of a bombed area. We pray that God will continue to preserve the brothers and sisters and that they will be able to share the love of Jesus in the suffering situations.
  • Our community in Lujboml continues to be in action.
    " ... for I was hungry and you gave me food ... " Matthew 25, 35
  • We pray that enough food can always be brought to Poltava and that our staff will have sensitivity and strength for pastoral care.
  • We pray for the refugees who stop briefly in our Church in Poltava on their way west. They sleep one or two nights, they eat and they want to refuel their souls.

Our churches in Ukraine

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